I acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

  • To provide a digital copy of each submitted product to the organization, along with a physical copy for the awards organization.

  • That upon submission, these copies become the property of the awards and will remain so indefinitely, even if a product is disqualified or deemed ineligible.

  • To cover all shipping costs and take full responsibility for distributing products to the organization.

  • That all submitted content is either original or has been properly licensed or authorized by the copyright or trademark owner.

  • That all content submitted was published for the first time between June 1, 2024, and May 31, 2025, unless a specific exemption has been granted.

Submission Fees & Grants

In order to maintain all administrative costs and hosting of the event, all submissions will require a membership. This membership will allow us to cover all expenses but also create a fund for subsequent years. Memberships are priced per submission, allowing for individuals or companies to submit multiple products per calendar year. Additional submissions will be available a la carte in our marketplace after joining. Memberships do not auto renew and must be resubmitted each calendar year.

All proceeds that exceed our administrative costs will be donated to The Roll Together Foundation in an effort to create industry grants.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Content

The Golden Dice Awards® accepts submissions that contain AI-generated content; however, products featuring such content will be excluded from categories focused on that specific element (e.g., Best Art). For instance, a product with a human-created cover but some AI-generated interior art would qualify for the "Best Cover Art" category but not "Best Interior Art." Creators submitting their work must disclose any parts that include AI-generated content.

The Golden Dice Awards® operate on an honor system since it’s impractical for coordinators or judges to thoroughly verify the originality of submitted content or determine if it’s AI-generated. Similar to potential issues related to copyright or reused artwork, the tools for detecting AI have limitations. Entrants are required to affirm that their work is free from AI involvement in the relevant categories. If any submissions are discovered to violate this, they may be disqualified, awards may be rescinded, and the creator could face a ban from future participation.